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Bridgestone Champion Tire Shop on Hunter SmartWeight® Balancers

"We are the experts in wheel balancing for our area."


Bridgestone Champion Tire Shop in Taoyuan City, Taiwan credits their lowered weight costs and overall customer satisfaction to their new Hunter SmartWeight Balancer.

After purchasing the Hunter SmartWeight® wheel balancer, we lowered our cost by using less weights and have better efficiency to service our customers. The biggest difference is that we are the experts in wheel balancing for our area. It has effectively increased our customers’ satisfaction and feedback. The SmartWeight® balancing technology is much more beneficial than our old balancer. We will choose Hunter again next time. Thank you.

Bridgestone Champion Tire Shop

Taoyuan City, Taiwan



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Reference zákazníků

Existuje důvod, proč je Hunter světovým lídrem v oblasti vybavení pro servis podvozků, a skuteční uživatelé hovoří o tom, proč tomu tak je.

Road Force® Elite

Vyvažovačka kol

Nejrychlejší diagnostická vyvažovačka kol na světě.

Vyvažovačky kol SmartWeight®

Intuitivní s prémiovými funkcemi

Patentovaná technologie SmartWeight® zlepšuje vyvážení, minimalizuje využití závaží a maximalizuje produktivitu.

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