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Mungenast Honda on Hunter ADAS Calibration Equipment

“It gives us the cutting-edge technology that we need.”


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Ultimate ADAS® is Hunter Engineering’s new, award-winning system for eliminating error-prone manual layouts common to static ADAS calibrations. Learn more about this revolutionary system at https://www.hunter.com/ultimate-adas.

Before Mungenast Honda in St. Louis had Ultimate ADAS®, setting up targets for calibrations was a complicated and time-consuming process, says master tech Ryan Quick. Not to mention uncomfortable. “We’d crawl around on the ground for half an hour using strings and levels,” he says. “Climbing all over the floor trying to find points on a car.”

Those days are now gone. With Ultimate ADAS®, “We pull the vehicle onto the rack and we’re guided through to where everything is supposed to go,” says Scott Lenox, shop foreman. “It can shave 20 minutes or more off doing a camera aim. “It gives us the cutting-edge technology that we need.”


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Es gibt einen Grund, warum Hunter der weltweit führende Anbieter von Geräten für Fahrzeug-Unterbodenarbeiten ist, und echte Benutzer sprechen darüber, um zu erklären, warum.


Dynamische und statische Kalibrierungen

Geführte Fahrzeugkalibrierungsverfahren helfen Ihnen, die ADAS-Arbeit im Haus zu behalten.

HawkEye Elite® Achsvermessung

Produktive, profitable Achsvermessungen

Vier Präzisionskameras messen jedes Rad unter Verwendung der patentierten QuickGrip®-Adaptor von Hunter.

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