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Play Tire

“It’s the latest and most advanced equipment, and it’s faster and more accurate.”


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When Cho Seung Won first began working on automobiles, he was already aware of Hunter Equipment’s high brand recognition.

When the time came for Cho to choose equipment for a new store, he decided to see if Hunter could live up to the reputation. No problem. “It’s the latest and most advanced equipment, and it’s faster and more accurate,” he says.

Now manager of import tire retailer Play Tire in Bundan, South Korea, Cho notes that Play Time’s customers and technicians also agree about Hunter alignment systems, tire changers and wheel balancers.

“There are a lot of processes you have to repeat with other equipment,” Cho says, “With Hunter, working time is shortened, even when techs work alone.”

Cho Seung Won

Manager, Play Tire, South Korea



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Es gibt einen Grund, warum Hunter der weltweit führende Anbieter von Geräten für Fahrzeug-Unterbodenarbeiten ist, und echte Benutzer sprechen darüber, um zu erklären, warum.

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Vier Präzisionskameras messen jedes Rad unter Verwendung der patentierten QuickGrip®-Adaptor von Hunter.

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