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Take control of ADAS

with Hunter ADAS Solutions

hunter adas calibration system


Integrate ADAS calibration into your Hunter HawkEye Elite® aligner to calibrate dynamic and static systems.




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No more plumb bobs and tape measures

Hunter Bosch DAS 3000



All-in-one fixture



Comprehensive target & mat coverage



Guided placement with ADASLink®



Integrated storage





Send a message to your local Hunter business consultant to schedule a free on-site demo. 


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Not ready to talk to anyone?

Explore more about Safety System Alignment® and your local team will assist whenever you are ready.




Full diagnostic power in your hands

Hunter ADASLink®


Dynamic & static calibration



FCA secure gateway compatible



Pre- & post-scan ready






Extensive OEM coverage

25+ million vehicles with static calibration procedures







Join Hunter + Bosch for the most comprehensive ADAS calibration solution.


Reduce complexity

Keep ADAS work in-house

Full OEM coverage



See how other shops are using it





Explore further

ADAS Calibration Tools

Dynamic & static calibrations

Guided vehicle calibration procedures help you keep ADAS work in-house.

HawkEye Elite® Alignment

Productive, profitable wheel alignments

Four precision cameras measure each wheel using Hunter’s patented QuickGrip® adaptors.

Hunter service

Largest in the industry

Hunter deploys the largest service force of highly-qualified representatives in the industry.

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