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Jim Falk Lexus of Beverly Hills on Hunter HawkEye Elite®

"The HawkEye Elite® is our most profitable machine."


Dominic Vinci, Parts & Service Director at Jim Falk Lexus of Beverly Hills, talks about the profitability of HawkEye Elite® and the ease-of-use for technicians to jump in and perform alignments.

When I came to this dealership I was going to buy (brand x) equipment because that what I was using at our other store, and our Hunter service representative, Mike Hughes’ service performance made me buy two alignment machines, lift racks, two tire machines and a wheel balancer. We do 75-80 cars a day, and we do between 400-500 alignments a month. The [HawkEye Elite®] is our most profitable machine. We bring in over $100,000 in gross profit alone on that machine.

I like how the adaptor clamps wrap around the tire because you don’t have to worry about scratching wheels, and you also never have to worry about tire size; they always fit right on there. The calibration for caster is a nice and easy sweep; you roll it forward, you roll it back, and it calibrated. You can train a guy to use a [HawkEye Elite®] in an hour. You have completely taken all the thinking out of it when it comes to learning how to use it. A guy can do an alignment and not really understand the difference between camber, caster, or even know what thrust angle is, and they can still do an accurate alignment as long as they can make that steering angle straight and see the green shown on the screen.

With the [HawkEye Elite®] we perform alignments in 30 minutes. If I can do an alignment in 30 minutes vs. 45 minutes, that saving me 15 minutes per alignment. Say we do 450 alignments in a month, that 112 hours of saved time. That a lot of money. Lexus makes a good product, and the [HawkEye Elite®] allows you to be highly efficient on that good product.

Hunter service is 100%. The service is what sold me on buying what I did from Hunter – I cannot stress that enough.

Dominic Vinci

Parts & Service Director, Jim Falk Lexus of Beverly Hills

jim falk lexus hunter engineering customer testimonial
jim falk lexus hunter engineering customer testimonial
jim falk lexus hunter engineering customer testimonial
jim falk lexus hunter engineering customer testimonial
jim falk lexus hunter engineering customer testimonial
jim falk lexus hunter engineering customer testimonial



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Témoignages de clients

Ce n’est pas pour rien que Hunter est le leader mondial en matière d’équipement d’entretien automobile, et de vrais utilisateurs s’expriment à ce sujet.

Système d’alignement HawkEye Elite®

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Ponts d’alignement

Maximisez l’espace et la productivité dans votre atelier avec les meilleures approches et meilleurs ponts élévateurs d’alignement de leur catégorie.

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