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New! HunterNet Quick View™ makes inspection recommendations even easier!

1/11/2017 -

NEW ORLEANS-Hunter’s proprietary HunterNet® software has been enhanced with the Quick View™ feature, which showcases vehicle service needs at a glance. HunterNet Quick View™ allows service advisors to quickly know the status of vehicle inspections and to recommend service directly from the lane. This tool also makes it easier to capitalize on every service opportunity and sell more work. HunterNet Quick View™ shows a visual report of all recent inspection results including colored icons to indicate wheel alignment, tire tread depth, tire inflation, battery health, diagnostic codes and braking balance. These icons appear green, yellow or red to indicate level of need and allow service advisors to pinpoint sales opportunities. Each entry in HunterNet Quick View™ is personalized with vehicle information including a vehicle photo and license plate when equipped with Hunter Quick ID™ technology. HunterNet® links your service department to your business by storing inspection results, alignment data and spec updates. Front-shop personnel can access informational videos, animations, TPMSpecs® and illustrations in HunterNet® to help customers make informed repair decisions. Shop management can generate reports on usage and repair opportunities for Quick Check®, Quick Tread® and alignment services. Hunter Engineering Company® is the global leader in alignment systems, wheel and tire service, brake service and inspection lane equipment. Hunter® equipment is approved and used by vehicle manufacturers, automobile and truck dealers, tire dealers and service facilities around the world. For additional information, visit our website at www.hunter.com or contact Madeline Triplett, Advertising Development Manager, Hunter Engineering Company®, 314-716-0467. For more information, please contact your local Hunter® representative at www.hunter.com/demos. New! HunterNet Quick View™ makes inspection recommendations even easier!

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