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Stany Zjednoczone i Kanada


Jak będzie wyglądać salon samochodowy przyszłości?

Wraz ze wzrostem liczby zakupów pojazdów online i trudnościami w łańcuchu dostaw dealerzy mają coraz więcej wolnego miejsca na swoich placach.

Co można z tym zrobić? Serwis.





Usługi to obszar, w którym obecnie najczęściej kontaktujesz się z klientami... w przyszłości te interakcje najprawdopodobniej będą jeszcze bardziej intensywne.


Make the most of your real estate


hunter dealership of the future collision and adas

Collision & ADAS

Become the front-runner in your market by capitalizing on highly profitable ADAS calibration services and in-house collision repair.

hunter dealership of the future technician recruitment

Technician Recruitment

Attract and keep great technicians by investing in quality equipment.

hunter dealership of the future service drives

Right-Sized Service Drive

Take in more volume and complete more profitable repairs.

hunter dealership of the future mobile service

Mobile Service Staging

Set up a fleet of mobile service vehicles to offer tire services for customers at their location and convenience.

hunter dealership of the future expanded wheel service

Expanded Wheel Service

Use your space to make the fastest, most efficient and quality-driven wheel service.

hunter dealership of the future ev vehicles

Expanded EV Services

Stay on top of rising technologies by offering EV charging points and EV-exclusive drive-through lanes.

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